Page name: Lycan's Pride [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-08-26 02:26:28
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This area is for the embodiment of all wolves every where


1.[shadow frost wolf]> Caita
3.[EnigmaXero]> Aura
4.[Bobby Bro]> Bobby
5.[Dark Shiva]
6.[~Spirit Fox~]> Kieta
7.[mushi ^_^]
8.[Khronos Atmosphaera]> Tenshi
9.[Demon Epona]
11.[Kailynn]> Rika
13.[Aki Neko]> Aki
14.[Amiantos Khronos]> Aya
16.[Piercedskull]> Mercury
19. [Kurai Tenma]
20.[Just Dan]
24. [The Dark Wolf]
25.[Lady Arrianya]
26.[LinkTurrner] Max
27.[Silverline's Escape]

wolf pics

Randomness Anime!!

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2008-08-25 [Silverline's Escape]: no. just have a random incomplete feeling, but thats always there. *shivers*

2008-08-25 [LinkTurrner]: or are you having a foresight?

2008-08-25 [Silverline's Escape]: no, just cold and lonely.

2008-08-25 [LinkTurrner]: I see *grabs a blanket and puts it on pro* better?

2008-08-25 [Silverline's Escape]: it helps a little with the cold.

2008-08-25 [LinkTurrner]: im here you dont have to be lonely

2008-08-25 [Silverline's Escape]: *shivers* i guess not.

2008-08-25 [LinkTurrner]: ok

2008-08-25 [Silverline's Escape]: *curls up into a ball in the corner* so how are you doing?

2008-08-25 [LinkTurrner]: good you *he walked over trying to comfort her*

2008-08-25 [Silverline's Escape]: im ok.*moves a bit out of the corner*

2008-08-26 [shadow frost wolf]: *drops out of the shadows* you two have taken over rather well.

2008-08-26 [Silverline's Escape]: pardon?

2008-08-26 [shadow frost wolf]: i suppose its moreover a welcome ^^

2008-08-26 [Silverline's Escape]: alright then...

2008-08-26 [Silverline's Escape]: *bows* it is an honor to meet the maker of this wonderful wiki. i bid you my warmest wishes for life.

2008-08-26 [shadow frost wolf]: I thank you, I wish your happiness in life as well. There is no need to bow or any such thing though, we are all equals here, nothing more, and nothing less.

2008-08-26 [Silverline's Escape]: that is nice to hear,

2008-08-26 [shadow frost wolf]: oddly enough, ill probably still look at many of you as superior for how you think ^^'

2008-08-26 [Silverline's Escape]: how we think?

2008-08-26 [mushi ^_^]: We think therefore we are.....And right now, Im a skittle :)

2008-08-26 [Khronos Atmosphaera]: Buttered Toast.

2008-08-26 [Lady Arrianya]: A peanut on a nut roll

2008-08-27 [shadow frost wolf]: A pair of mighty fangs.

2008-08-27 [LinkTurrner]: how do we think shadow frost wolf?

2008-08-27 [Khronos Atmosphaera]: With your brain?

2008-08-27 [LinkTurrner]: ya

2008-08-27 [shadow frost wolf]: i love people who think in unique ways, i dont mean that offensively, im just a fan of new ideas and the like. ^^

2008-08-27 [Khronos Atmosphaera]: o.o

2008-08-27 [LinkTurrner]: ok

2008-08-28 [Amiantos Khronos]: LOLOMFGLOLLLOOL
I thought one of the names under the Interesting People thing said Dickhead.

Okay that was random. Sorry.

2008-08-28 [shadow frost wolf]: XDDD

2008-08-28 [Khronos Atmosphaera]: LOL! I'm changing my name to dickhead. XD

2008-08-28 [shadow frost wolf]: ....O_O....WHY>?!?!?

2008-08-28 [Khronos Atmosphaera]: I'm JOKING. XD

2008-08-28 [shadow frost wolf]: i know XD i wanted to see where you would go with that!

2008-08-28 [Khronos Atmosphaera]: Well.. I couldn't think of anything witty to say back DX

2008-08-28 [EnigmaXero]: ...I'm not saying anything...

2008-08-28 [Khronos Atmosphaera]: -_____-

2008-08-28 [shadow frost wolf]: aww....tenshi frowned...

2008-08-28 [EnigmaXero]: More of an annoyed look.
I was gonna say sumfin...
But I don't wanna be a pervy.

2008-08-28 [Khronos Atmosphaera]: Like you're never a pervy at home.
It wasn't a frown. THIS is a frown!



2008-08-28 [EnigmaXero]: Oh my...

And yes, I know I'm pervy here. But so are you and daddy. So hmph. >.>;;;

2008-08-28 [shadow frost wolf]: really? looks more like a glare to me XD

2008-08-28 [Khronos Atmosphaera]: Dickhead

2008-08-28 [EnigmaXero]: Dsl/fSDJLFK:jdslfk;hweaf

Your mom looks like a glare. >=(

2008-08-28 [Khronos Atmosphaera]: This is a... well... I dunno... >8E!

2008-08-28 [EnigmaXero]: XDDD!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't...
even know whta that tmakes me think of...
Except that whole Kazzie thing. xD

2008-08-28 [shadow frost wolf]: HOLY SH*T!!! @___@

*Kage Tama's her forehead*

2008-08-28 [EnigmaXero]:


2008-08-28 [Khronos Atmosphaera]: UNAFFECTED

Simply because I have know flippin' idea what the deuce a kage tama is. Is it like YOUR MOMMA in a cage?

2008-08-28 [shadow frost wolf]: *holds up two more* Why not?

2008-08-28 [EnigmaXero]: Oh my gaaaaah.
I dont' even know what it is. XD

2008-08-28 [Khronos Atmosphaera]: I can't be affected by the unknown! :O!

2008-08-28 [EnigmaXero]: Your mom can't be affected by the unknown.

2008-08-28 [Khronos Atmosphaera]: Hence, that cracking 'your mom' jokes on her, doesn't affect her.

2008-08-28 [EnigmaXero]: Dx...
That confused me.
So if You can't be affected by Unknown, I guess that means I can't summon those pokemon. T.T

2008-08-28 [Khronos Atmosphaera]: Nope!

2008-08-28 [shadow frost wolf]: ....damn...that was my final tactic! *puts pokeball away*

next time little T, next time...;-;

2008-08-28 [EnigmaXero]: XD!
Not funny. -_-;;;

2008-08-28 [shadow frost wolf]: Your not funny! o.o

2008-08-28 [EnigmaXero]: I know! >=(...

2008-08-28 [shadow frost wolf]: and again with the glare OO

2008-08-28 [EnigmaXero]: Yes.
I glare a lot, haven't you noticed?

2008-08-28 [Khronos Atmosphaera]: YOUR MOMS AREN'T FUNNY.

2008-08-28 [EnigmaXero]: I know mine's not. -_-

2008-08-28 [shadow frost wolf]: My moms are funny!

2008-08-29 [Khronos Atmosphaera]: My eggplant has humour.

2008-08-29 [EnigmaXero]: O.o....

2008-08-29 [Khronos Atmosphaera]: SHUT UP!

2008-08-29 [shadow frost wolf]: You own an eggplant???

2008-08-29 [EnigmaXero]: WAH!
Dun tell me to shush-a...TT.TT

2008-08-29 [Amiantos Khronos]: My mom owns an eggplant.
For real.
That one's not a joke.

2008-08-29 [EnigmaXero]: O_Olll

2008-08-29 [Khronos Atmosphaera]: LOL This is true. And she won't huge them fore me and it makes me MAD.

2008-08-29 [Amiantos Khronos]: I'll hug them for you, promise.
But that's way less epic though.

2008-08-29 [Khronos Atmosphaera]: Aw man, I said 'huge' them. XDD!
Thanks Aya. And you're right. it won't be as epic. DX

2008-08-29 [EnigmaXero]: XDDD

2008-08-29 [Khronos Atmosphaera]: ^.^;;

2008-08-29 [EnigmaXero]: *nom nom*

2008-08-29 [mushi ^_^]: O.o

2008-08-29 [EnigmaXero]: ^-^...

2008-08-30 [Khronos Atmosphaera]: &.&

2008-08-30 [EnigmaXero]: Pelicans. XD

2008-08-30 [shadow frost wolf]: Peregrins.

2008-08-30 [EnigmaXero]: What?

2008-08-30 [Amiantos Khronos]: Fo'fa's.

2008-08-30 [EnigmaXero]: XD?

2008-08-30 [Amiantos Khronos]: It's best not to even respond. XD I'm in a really weird mood, and just... really not all here right now. xD;

2008-08-30 [EnigmaXero]: I'm the same.
I'm off in lala land with Draven.
And my birthday card does NOT help. xD....

2008-08-30 [Amiantos Khronos]: XD I can't wait to see it.

2008-08-30 [EnigmaXero]: XDDD!!!
i'll get it to you tomorrow. XD

2008-08-30 [Amiantos Khronos]: YAY! xD

2008-08-30 [EnigmaXero]: ^-^!

2008-08-30 [Amiantos Khronos]: :D!

2008-08-30 [EnigmaXero]: *wiggle*

2008-08-30 [Aki Neko]: I havent spoken on here in a while, whats up?

2008-08-30 [EnigmaXero]: Nothing but a bunch of randomness. XD

2008-08-30 [Aki Neko]: Ok, so not much then.XDD

2008-08-30 [EnigmaXero]: Nope. ^^

2008-08-30 [Aki Neko]: Soooo......what now?

2008-08-30 [EnigmaXero]: I dunon. XD

2008-08-30 [Aki Neko]: I FOUND TWILIGHT STUFFS!!!!!!!

2008-08-30 [EnigmaXero]: XDDD!!!

2008-08-30 [Aki Neko]: AWESOME Twilight stuffs.....XDDD Tonys SO in for it....

2008-08-30 [EnigmaXero]: Oh no...XXDDD

2008-08-31 [Amiantos Khronos]: o_o...

2008-08-31 [EnigmaXero]: ^-^;

2008-08-31 [Khronos Atmosphaera]: o;fjoejgsgj;sdkgfdhlfd;lgd;fs'gjseg
ej;rgsej'gerj'gje;rlgj'roserjgvrjkgo;srjgeorjgvergjke;rjg;erjtgevrgejrgvkje;gjse;gjise'gjsdjgsdfjgsdje jg e'ogj' egj'egjodjg 'sgjdfgjsp
kglsdkg'ksd'kgpg'odskgsdojgsdojg'spjgopdjgdopfjgpsdgj'drjgse'jd'pgjdgjsdsjgjj'jsg'jergrgjp'jioprjopserjopiksrgjiogjio;gjeiotjhoeirmterhodgimergtikelghsero;gnselkrgldnfksdjgnklsdufgelfgmnskl;dj;skvnkladgnlawb gjkebtkwltowfnlwkefhetnlekitgherlktgsel;gjsdlfjsdl;stviojrtjeghjniopgjiopimioopetgmopegoprprprprprprprprprprprprprprprprprprprprprprprprprprprprprprprprprprprprprprprprprprprprprprprprprprprprprprprprprprprprprprprprprprprprprprprprprprprprprprprprprprprprprprprprprprprprprprprprprprprprprprprprprprpefjopwefjopwefjopwefjopwefjoprgjkl;fsj seogishetjetoihetoh ro;terjht;jherilgh sd;s;rj gw;g j;rgjw;gj seo;g jsro;gj ;lserjg; perjg;oselgj;lerjg;lserj;weraweql;ktejweto;;rgjklgh;sh;sdfhk;fsdhksdfhklsdfhkldfhklsdfhklsdfhklsdfhklfdhklfsdfhkldfhkldfshklsdfhlkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkksdfhklfhkldhklsdhkldfhklafh;eh;wekwekwekwekwekwekwekwekwekwekwekefh;;kef;awef;jlsdffnkwnkl;fwj;ev;jawt jrj;pr jgj; j;egjl;jzsl;djfaw!!!

2008-08-31 [EnigmaXero]: o.o
Oh my.
I wonder where all the mass peka noises were going to. Dx...

2008-08-31 [Khronos Atmosphaera]: ^-^

2008-08-31 [shadow frost wolf]: oo...

2008-08-31 [EnigmaXero]: ^-^!

2008-08-31 [Khronos Atmosphaera]: eroptjertgjjgj;lllllllllllllljsg[grjks;ektviwpeotmip4p3;oiypw3m86390ib6vp6i54b69p4u 5pyj54opy9p;4pyim4;p5y wb54yib4p;5ymi4454p;yiw45yv94i5yvoetyroykvdrjtgh;rdoyjodtyjtp;idrpo;vyio;e;ryweouysevyposevu5wo3uy8w[ 3-y8vw4[5wie4vy;'e45yiW# TYI#%YKE%Oyievmtysempuyw3pouye5opvuye;5tu;put4pwejrtvwejtole4utiowejtuvyeoyijhoyjveiorjeyiovyjhsev ioryhosey;eoriyhoerjhyo;suryjioetjeriotjevo ;jiteio;ryjhsehry;oihseo5ity 54ti3uy4toue5oivyue5yiue5iouy eiorvuyeuyeo;riuyjerio;usyrobyjerioyjhsoertjvoe4itujseiortvjseiotjeoritse;rtjhseiryo;rtjhseo;iyrise rtjhseo;tjhiert;lseryjelkyjhbei;yoheoriyh irtbjenriovmuyjeioryhsevioryheioyebjhmiojeiobyjheoiryhseioyjhbeioyhoesyhoserh;eshboerih;yrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhr hrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrh rhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhr rhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrh rhrhrhrhrhrhrhrhrh gjsrltubs.toejtserltusrlbnykr.;dbymikf.oyimfvypbmdrkynoyjdboykdrykljvrlj t.rlvjsertjelstierltiser.jseortjrv ie;rtvuieroptyermltusecturt.erusn.ptuertoieutbl.seurt.euisjtvljelruelstbue yioerutb. eueriutututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututut ututututututututututututututut ututututut ututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututsevirtwuietuwltuwel;tuiwo;tuwetuwe wl;ersrlawiersruseiljrsio;w eltwbjioturl; uwilrtjhweltjerisejrwoirjw3o5rnwu3958w67345hbiy4itfuerhtieurhesiywuelryweurweva..rawy.eriar/u/etuwtuOtuaTE:UAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAW:ROSURSO:ev rje;/jw;orjwerwovo;wrebeefstewfjsdlfjis;eneiluvjwlnteiohtelorhioeurtbujero;tjseo;itj eril;tjv e;tjertj elrtjelrtjerltje;irtjvseo; tititititititititititititititititititititititititititititijeritu;euwp;outjb;rjser;tjkevotuespotvjse4toetjsecrtjc se;rtjsc;etjser;otvjkro;tekrptbke;rtkeb;tk;setk'ler;tekertvl;ektoprktoe;ritseotjoer;jt;ertjserltjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtj tjtjtjtjtjtjtjt jtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtj tjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjt jtjtjtjtjtjtjt jtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtj tjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtj tjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjltjg;erjtejr;weetjer mgjedtijriotejnctn;9tpwo tj' j wetjwe;rvi werjwierhwnhghkg;nksnknknknknknknknknknknknknknknknksdl;fsdklfh sfhwoifhw;hser;gsdrgj

2008-08-31 [EnigmaXero]: Wow....

2008-08-31 [shadow frost wolf]: world of warcraft indeed.

2008-08-31 [EnigmaXero]: -_-
I'm not talking about that game.

2008-08-31 [shadow frost wolf]: *fire balls her*

2008-08-31 [EnigmaXero]: ....


Seraphim have the ability to blow a demon's head up using their voices.

2008-08-31 [shadow frost wolf]: half dragon, ineffective!

Stop Screaming in my ear!

2008-08-31 [EnigmaXero]: Not necessarily.
If a Seraph's voice shakes God's Temple, then...O.o...

2008-08-31 [shadow frost wolf]: and dragons have the power to survive all godly trials then....O.o...

2008-08-31 [EnigmaXero]: ...

2008-08-31 [shadow frost wolf]: and again with the silence >.>

2008-08-31 [EnigmaXero]: Yep.

2008-08-31 [shadow frost wolf]: *walks away in boredom* ah well, was fun for a minute ^^

2008-08-31 [EnigmaXero]: Meh.

2008-08-31 [shadow frost wolf]: *floats away*

2008-09-01 [Khronos Atmosphaera]: God created the Dragon, therefore, the dragon is easily destroyed. (Or, if you want to believe something else, 'the gods created the dragons, so therefore, the dragons are easily destroyed).

2008-09-01 [Silverline's Escape]: *looks around* what in the world?

*changes to wolf form, sits*

2008-09-01 [Amiantos Khronos]: "world of warcraft indeed." LAUGHOUTEFFINGLOUD.

2008-09-02 [Khronos Atmosphaera]: O_#O!O!#@?

2008-09-02 [Silverline's Escape]: *walks over and sits in the corner*

2008-09-02 [LinkTurrner]: *goes and sits next to pro*

2008-09-02 [Amiantos Khronos]: *walks over and stands next to... Deharius?* o-o *just starin' at the wall*

2008-09-03 [Khronos Atmosphaera]: >=(... He doesn't like dogs. (I typed 'dongs' at first. He likes those. XD)

2008-09-03 [EnigmaXero]: O.o...
I'm sure he does. Otherwise he would've killed Azrael.
And I'm sorry that Deharhar doesn't like dogs. -_- I'll turn into a cat or something.

2008-09-03 [Khronos Atmosphaera]: Wolfcat.

2008-09-03 [EnigmaXero]: That would be weird. O>o

2008-09-03 [Khronos Atmosphaera]: DX! Puff!

2008-09-03 [EnigmaXero]: o.o;;;...

2008-09-03 [Amiantos Khronos]: oxo WOLFCAT? omg creepy

2008-09-04 [shadow frost wolf]: cool ^^ it would be agile like a kitty, but badass loyal and fangeded like a canine!

2008-09-04 [Khronos Atmosphaera]: THATS WHAT I AM! *meows at the moon*

2008-09-04 [shadow frost wolf]: Then your cool!!! *bows to tenshi-sama*

2008-09-04 [EnigmaXero]: Oh my...

2008-09-04 [shadow frost wolf]: what?

2008-09-04 [EnigmaXero]: I have no idea.
I was just saying that to be saying it.

2008-09-04 [Amiantos Khronos]: Because saying it just to be saying it is saying it just to be saying it, and that's cool than your mom doing the melbourne shuffle.
XD I dunno.

2008-09-04 [EnigmaXero]: XDDD
That confused me. I guess that was the point. XDD

2008-09-04 [Amiantos Khronos]: It didn't even have a point. xD

2008-09-04 [EnigmaXero]: At first I typed pointy. XD And I was like "Wait.." Dx....

2008-09-05 [Amiantos Khronos]: XD For some reason, when you said that, those pointy shoes came to mind...

2008-09-05 [EnigmaXero]: Pointy shoes?
The ones with heels?

2008-09-05 [Amiantos Khronos]: Ya. And they have the really pointy toe. Impaleage. lawlz.

2008-09-05 [EnigmaXero]: Oh yah...
Those things.
I don't like them. I think they look funny.

2008-09-05 [Amiantos Khronos]: I don't either. UGLY. lol

2008-09-05 [EnigmaXero]: XD
I don't even see how people wear them.
They'd squish your feet.

2008-09-05 [Amiantos Khronos]: Srsly. x3

2008-09-05 [EnigmaXero]: There's other shoes that I think are ugly, too. XD

2008-09-05 [Amiantos Khronos]: Pretty much high fashion ones or whatever. x3

2008-09-05 [EnigmaXero]: Course. They look funny.
High fashioned clothes in general look funny to me.

2008-09-05 [Amiantos Khronos]: Agreed.

2008-09-05 [EnigmaXero]: ^-^

2008-09-05 [Amiantos Khronos]: X3

2008-09-05 [EnigmaXero]: xl;kffjsdl'fjs

2008-09-05 [Amiantos Khronos]: <img:>

2008-09-05 [EnigmaXero]: XDDDDDD!!!!!

2008-09-08 [Amiantos Khronos]: That made me think Naruto though. :o

2008-09-08 [EnigmaXero]: Same.

2008-09-08 [Amiantos Khronos]: :o

2008-09-08 [Silverline's Escape]: *changes to wolf form, walks over and curls up in the corner, head on paws, watching.*

2008-09-09 [Amiantos Khronos]: *blinkblink*

2008-09-09 [LinkTurrner]: *sits by pro*

2008-09-09 [EnigmaXero]: o.o

2008-09-09 [Amiantos Khronos]: *noms on Aura's arm*

2008-09-09 [Silverline's Escape]: *nuzzles*

2008-09-09 [EnigmaXero]: *has an Aya nomming on arm* o.o;

2008-09-09 [Amiantos Khronos]: *drooly*

2008-09-09 [EnigmaXero]: *has drool running down her arm* Dx...l.

2008-09-09 [Amiantos Khronos]: *noms on her own hand instead*

2008-09-09 [LinkTurrner]: *laughs then wispers* your nose is cold pro

2008-09-09 [Silverline's Escape]: hehe. i know. *nuzzles again**

2008-09-09 [LinkTurrner]: but i like it

2008-09-09 [Amiantos Khronos]: ...*scooting away*

2008-09-09 [EnigmaXero]: *chases after Aya and licks her arm* >D!! Another preeeey...

2008-09-09 [Silverline's Escape]: *laughs*

2008-09-09 [Khronos Atmosphaera]: omgwtfsandninjas.

2008-09-09 [EnigmaXero]: XD!

2008-09-09 [Amiantos Khronos]: cpnfafgjnafdgjk

DX That actually started out as a word.


2008-09-09 [LinkTurrner]: *wispers to pro* i love you

2008-09-09 [Silverline's Escape]: awwwwww *blushes* *whispers* i love you too.

2008-09-09 [LinkTurrner]: *laughs gets closer to pro*

2008-09-09 [Silverline's Escape]: *Smiles* lol, wolves smiling

2008-09-09 [Khronos Atmosphaera]: OMG PORN! *taping*

2008-09-09 [Silverline's Escape]: *scoots closer to,* um.... want me to call you anything in particular?

2008-09-09 [Khronos Atmosphaera]: This is for National Geographic! Mating patterns of wolves!

2008-09-09 [Amiantos Khronos]: owo... *eating popcorn*

2008-09-09 [LinkTurrner]: you pick what i call you *looks over at [Khronos Atmosphaera]* do you have a off swich?

2008-09-09 [Silverline's Escape]: *growls*

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